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It is my observation that there is a big connection between creativity and spirituality. Going through history we can see many famous creative people who also had a huge interest not only in their field of profession but also the mystery of the unexplored spiritual world too.

It seems to me that you cannot open your mind up to the inspiration and imagination of creativity without also opening your mind up to a spiritual influence.

We actually see this inspiration repeatedly by musicians, actors, scientists, and artists through history.

One of Isaac Newtons Laws of Motion says that for every action there is a reaction. So, applying this to the motion of creativity it is possible that there is also a movement within the spiritual world as well. I could maybe suggest that possibly that it is the other way around, that there is a motion within the spiritual world that is carried out by creative people.

We see that this spiritual world is able to express itself through the soul and mind of the individual using personal experiences they have gone through or even the experience of a group of people or people groups.

That is why I believe when we look at paintings, works of art, or listen to music, we can be deeply moved by what we see or hear.

It is the partnership of the spiritual and the natural influencing creativity in all its forms.

We could also say that it is the current condition of the soul of the person that also influences the creativity we are seeing. But then what influences are on the soul of the person? Is it purely the life they have lived or is there something beyond what we can see.

So, what spiritual influences are there?

What things can affect the soul of a man?

Nikola Tesla was quoted saying “When it comes to your imagination, your creativity, the ideas, and concepts that come out of you, we have as scientists have no idea in the world where your spiritual perceptions come from, where your thoughts come from. We have no idea at all. All we know is that it has nothing to do with your brain, your brain does not give you inspiration it merely takes care of your body….

He continues on to say,

When the great composers were composing the beautiful music, where do those ideas for the music come from? When you get people who are writing profoundly important books, and we say they were truly inspired, where we know it was not in their mind, it came from outside of their brain.”

He then continues to conclude that the inspiration we get within our creativity comes from an overshadowing of something external of us. He continues to describe that those who are creative are naturally open to inspiration of something not of a natural entity.

Napoleon Hill says in his book Think and Grow Rich:


The reality of a “sixth sense” has been fairly well established. This sixth sense is “Creative Imagination.” The faculty of creative imagination is one which the majority of people never use during an entire lifetime, and if used at all, it usually happens by mere accident. A relatively small number of people use, WITH DELIBERATION AND PURPOSE AFORETHOUGHT, the faculty of creative imagination. Those who use this faculty voluntarily, and with understanding of its functions, are GENII.

The faculty of creative imagination is the direct link between the finite mind of man and Infinite Intelligence. All so-called revelations, referred to in the realm of religion, and all discoveries of basic or new principles in the field of invention, take place through the faculty of creative imagination.

When ideas or concepts flash into one’s mind, through what is popularly called a “hunch,” they come from one or more of the following sources: —

  • Infinite Intelligence
  • One’s subconscious mind, wherein is stored every sense impression and thought impulse which ever reached the brain through any of the five senses
  • From the mind of some other person who has just released the thought, or picture of the idea or concept, through conscious thought, or
  • From the other person’s subconscious storehouse.

He continues on page 266

The late Dr. Elmer R. Gates, of Chevy Chase, Maryland, created more than two hundred useful patents, many of them basic, through the process of cultivating and using the creative
faculty. His method is both significant and interesting to one interested in attaining to the status of genius, in which category Dr. Gates, unquestionably belonged. Dr. Gates was one of the really great, though less publicized scientists of the world.

In his laboratory, he had what he called his “personal communication room.” It was practically soundproof, and so arranged that all light could be shut out. It was equipped with a small table, on which he kept a pad of writing paper. In front of the table, on the wall, was an electric pushbutton, which controlled the lights. When Dr. Gates desired to draw upon the forces available to him through his Creative Imagination, he would go into this room, seat himself at the table, shut off the lights, and CONCENTRATE upon the KNOWN factors of the
invention on which he was working, remaining in that position until ideas began to “flash” into his mind in connection with the UNKNOWN factors of the invention.

On one occasion, ideas came through so fast that he was forced to write for almost three hours. When the thoughts stopped flowing, and he examined his notes, he found they contained a minute description of principles which had not a parallel among the known data of the scientific world. 

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

With just a few examples, we can begin to conclude due to how much influence these two men had that they were not the only ones that had these opinions or types of practises.

In fact, we could go on to list a whole bunch, but I need to get to my point. My point is this, having observed the spiritual world from the cultural viewpoint in different nations around the world I see a constant influence of the spiritual world on the way we think and live our lives.

People throughout history have been deeply hurt and disappointed by Religion or by those claiming to stand for God.

Because of this hurt people have steered away from God and open themselves up to things unknown and uncontrollable as an influence of their creativity.

God wants to be known by us and wants the goodness and the genius of Heaven to be a part of our lives.

A lot of those historical genius’ such as Isaac newton believed in God. They were just let down by the church at that time. Because of this they steered away from anything to do with the one who created them into something unknown.

My personal conclusion is found in this verse.

Exodus 31:1-6
Bezalel and Oholiab

31 Then the Lord said to Moses, “See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills— to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, 5to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts. Moreover, I have appointed Oholiab son of Ahisamak, of the tribe of Dan, to help him. Also, I have given ability to all the skilled workers to make everything I have commanded you:”

I believe the Spirit of God is the best source of limitless creativity, I will explain why in the next blog.



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